Primira Luxury Lab-Grown Diamonds: Crafting Excellence in Type IIA Diamond Brilliance At Primira, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and innovation within the realm of lab-grown diamonds. Our passion lies in delivering exceptional gems, with our crowning glory being the mesmerizing Type IIA diamond. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey […]
Portfolio Pages
Diamond Lab test
Diamond Lab test Diamond grading is a meticulous process that evaluates a diamond’s quality based on a set of precise criteria. This involves assessing the 4Cs—Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight—which are essential in determining a diamond’s value and appeal. Grading is performed by certified gemologists who use advanced tools and techniques to measure and […]
Diamond Planning
Planning Architects Diamond planning is an intricate process that transforms raw gems into brilliant masterpieces, guided by advanced technology and expert knowledge. The journey begins with a 360-degree X-ray scan using the Galaxy machine, capturing a detailed image of the diamond’s internal structure. This high-tech imaging helps in assessing the diamond’s potential and pinpointing areas […]
Diamond polishing
The Essence of Diamond Crafting Diamond polishing stands as the heart of the diamond manufacturing process, transforming rough stones into radiant masterpieces. This intricate process begins with shaping the diamond’s girdle to the desired size, followed by the meticulous creation of each facet. Expert craftsmen work with unrivaled precision, cutting facets to microns and 0.1-degree […]
Diamond cutting
Precise cutting Diamond cutting is a meticulous process that transforms rough diamonds into stunning piece of love and luxury. This art form requires a combination of expert craftsmanship and advanced technology. The cutting process involves several stages, including planning, cleaving, bruting, and polishing. Each stage is crucial to achieving the diamond’s final shape and maximizing […]